Shop by Brand
Number of claims: Unlimited
Guaranteed Approval for Admissible Claims
Unlimited Pick-up & Drop for both In-warranty and Out-of-warranty Device Issues (1st year: 3 devices and 2nd year: 5 devices) for Self and Family.
(Device include Smartphone, Tablets, Laptops & Smartwatches)
Repairs only from Brand Authorized Service Centres
Assured Buyback is bundled with the plan: up to 60%* of Insured value as per plan grid
(<6M: 60% | 7-12M: 55% | 13M – 18M: 45% | 19-24M: 35%)
Free Personal Accident cover up to INR 50,000/-
Plan is linked to device IMEI and not to the customer
5% Of Device Value In Case Of Repair/ BER Claim
In case of repair, if the estimate is more than 80% of the device, the below grid will be applicable for settlement
0-3 Months - 20%
3-6 Months - 30%
6-12 Months - 50%
13-24 Months - 60%
(BER: Beyond Economic Repair applicable in case of total loss/ phone repair cost > 80%)